Renata Barbosa Soares Susano

Signature Real Estate Finder

8177 Glades Road, . Boca Raton, FL 33434

(561) 405-0161

Renata Barbosa Soares Susano


A woman with a passion for the real estate business, desirous for growth, success and ready to conquer. Being a full time mom and now taking the role as an apprentice to this new world has been nothing short of a self fulfilling and exhilarating aspect of my life.

I may be new to this field, but more than ready to reflect my qualities and capabilities through my work ethic, professionalism, diligence and dedication with every new client. 

As wife of a contractor, real estate has been a goal to pursue. I’ve learned to love the field, as it directly correlates to seeing how a final product brings so much light to a clients eyes. For real estate, it would be the immense gratification to witness a client achieve their so long American dream. I can first handedly appreciate and connect with these clients as I’ve taken the same road to achieving my first home approximately 9 years ago. 

My deepest desire is to promote self worth and capability through my new endeavors in the real estate realm and help as many families/clients reach their real estate goals. At Signature I have found all the tools, knowledge, backup and guidance needed to purse this journey.